Online Community Engagement Software

About Us

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GWMWater is a government-owned statutory corporation established in 2004 with a responsibility to provide, manage, operate and protect water supply and sewerage systems for our community.

We're involved in every stage of the water process, from when it falls from the sky to when it comes out of the tap. We know a lot about water, wastewater and water management - that's why we're so confident in our ability to provide the best services for the Grampians, Wimmera and Mallee regions.

As locals, we're personally and professionally committed to the quality of our services. We're proud of our local community and our role in providing its water. We understand our region and the importance of water for a diverse, sustainable and healthy community. We value local input, and have a strong relationship with communities through our customer and stakeholder forums and working groups.

Find out more about GWMWater.